Human Psychology is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider for Alexander Symonds. Their highly qualified and experienced team of Psychologists understand the unique aspects of working for Alexander Symonds and are all familiar with the operating environment of the organisation.
A key feature of the EAP is that complete confidentiality is assured and maintained. Any discussions you may have with a Psychologist or Counsellor will remain strictly confidential. Like doctors, Human Psychology are strictly bound by a professional code of ethics, preventing them from giving out personal information without your written consent.
In some instances, there may be something that the workplace/your manager can do to assist with your concerns. This would only occur once the counsellor has carefully discussed this with you and it has been identified that this would be helpful. The counsellor would then require written authority from you, before speaking with that person.
The EAP is available to all Alexander Symonds employees and immediate family members.
Call 1300 277 924 and arrange a convenient time with the friendly Reception team.
Your Manager or workplace does not need to know you are attending. Use of EAP is never compulsory but it may be recommended if your work performance is being affected. Any feedback to your employer of information discussed in your sessions requires your informed consent.
The counselling service is free of charge to Alexander Symonds employees and immediate family members, who can access up to 3 sessions free per calendar year or as otherwise agreed.
Where longer term counselling is required, the Psychologist will suggest specialist advice and referral will be made within your capacity to pay.
Sessions usually last for one hour and generally most difficulties can be resolved within three sessions.
The sooner you recognise any problem and discuss it with someone who can be of assistance, the easier it will be to resolve the problem. Asking for help when you need it is an act of independence and strength, not a sign of weakness.
Human Psychology works hard to accommodate your preferences for a Psychologist. You will generally have a choice of a male or female counsellor. Telephone counselling is an option if you need to speak to someone urgently or if you are unable to attend in person.